Sunday, March 8, 2009

From Tricycles to Motorcycles

As we pulled away from the house she clinched the sides of my shirt so tight that it felt as though I was wearing a Spandex shirt (If I'm being honest though, I've never worn a Spandex shirt.) I thought she was scared at first until she said "go faster Daddy!!" We were not even out of the driveway at that point. She loved it though and I think she is going to make a great riding buddy.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Date Night Without a Date

As tradition demands, Friday rolled around which is date night. My dad has been keeping our kids every Friday ever since we had our first one 10 years ago. Well, Amy has been under the weather all week with a sore throat and wasn't feeling much like a date. She decided to stay home while I took the kids to dad's and she could rest up while we were out of the house. I also had the bright idea to ditch my 5 to 10 Dr Peppers a day. Let me just tell you what I did on my date night.
  • I ate with the Freemans and had an awesome prime rib.
  • I got $100 worth of gas...ouch
  • I went to the mall.
  • I ran into Amy's cousin's wife Jo and her daughter Madison.
  • I wandered from store to store with no real purpose.
  • I ran into the Freemans.
  • I wandered to more stores.
  • I stared at a pair of shoes that were on sale....
  • I didn't buy them.
  • If Dr Pepper was the free gift with purchase then I would have bought them.
  • I returned to my car
I did all that and still had an hour and a half of date night left. I returned early to my dad's house to finish out my date night asleep in his recliner.... sigh.

All that to say, date night without my life's love was miserable( except for dinner with the Freemans :) ) I will probably not be doing that again alone. Get better babe!

Oh... I didn't have a Dr Pepper all day.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

First Post

Well, my wife has been blogging for a while now and I feel it is time I tell my side of the story. :)

It all started on a dark September night in '89. The moon breaking from its shyness for brief moments to supply just enough light to give the imagination the raw materials to create something evil. This night was more than that, as evil lurked in places beyond fantasy....

Ok... maybe my side of the story isn't quite that dramatic but it got your attention. Don't you just love stories that start out that way? I can just hear Don LaFontaine saying that for a movie trailer. Unfortunately, he died last week so Hollywood is going to have to give us another personality to introduce us to their products.

Thanks for tuning in and I hope to actually have some content next time!!